
Question: When I meditate, or try to, that’s when my mind gets busy.

Hanuman: Right now, see that there is no meditator. You can see that it is all happening of itself, everything. There is nothing to attain through some practice over time. You are already That. The striving and effort, this intention of ‘becoming’ is itself the very being that you already always are. This is true.

Spiritual seekers are so often addicted to seeking and becoming. And this addiction obscures the simple ease of being. So, see this. You do not have to wait. Your tush is already on the cushion. Look now.

This commitment to becoming is such an amazing postponement. So, my Master was very fond of saying: ‘Don’t wait, don’t postpone. Now. What about now?’ Spiritual seekers are interested in the eternal. Well, if the eternal is anywhere, it must be now!

That which you hope to attain in some future through practice, you already are, here and now, always. That is your true nature.

Question: I like what you have said about movies and having compassion for and love for ourselves, so that we can have a nicer movie.

Hanuman: Yes, the dream continues, even when you see it is just a dream. So as my Master said, ‘It’s your own dream, make it a beautiful one. Make a firm decision to be happy.’

Question: Do you know what a good practice might be?

Hanuman: Making a firm decision to be happy. Yes, let’s start with some cheerfulness every day. [laughter] Simple, ordinary cheerfulness. Wow. We’ll start with five minutes: I don’t want to ask for too much. Cheerfulness goes a long way. Very powerful, good cheer is. And it’s already here. It is our nature, joy.

You know these folks who are treading spiritual paths, they just keep treading and treading and treading. As I have said before, you must be very patient for that kind of path.

The Master has said that these teachings — freedom itself — are not for one who seeks freedom in this lifetime. Rather, these teachings are for the one who cannot wait. As it turns out, now is where liberation is found, nowhere else. It is not found in some imagined future. It takes no practice to be that which you already always are.