
Question: Will you please tell me what your Master told you about freedom?

Hanuman: [Laughs] That’s all I am doing. Nothing else is happening here other than that.

He said: ‘You are That!’ He said: ‘Look and see for your own Self.’ He said: ‘When a man of authority tells you that a rope is a rope and not a snake, look and see for your own Self that that’s the truth.’ He said: ‘That which you are, I am.’ He said: ‘I am your own true Self. You are my own true Self.’ He said: ‘I abide in your Heart, and you abide in mine.’

So, when the Master was in a teaching mode, he was always and only pointing to one’s true nature, and really beseeching: ‘Look now for your own Self. Don’t postpone this looking. Look now!’

This seeing itself is freedom; the realization of your true nature is freedom, here and now. It is freedom from this habitual servitude to the imagined one we take ourselves to be and that we spend a whole lifetime in service to. It is freedom from the mind and the belief in any past and future.

It is the recognition of this eternal now.

Question: Hanuman, do you pray?

Hanuman: I prayed when my eyes were closed. Before, I prayed, ‘May each and every one who is in this room find true freedom here and now in your satsang, Master.’ I prayed for this from my Heart. Who prayed this prayer I could not say, but that prayer arose.