
Question: I wish to be peaceful and sit silently and be free. And sometimes that’s the case, and sometimes it seems I’m so lost in thinking.

Hanuman: See now, just as we are speaking, who is it that is wishing, who is it that is getting lost in thought? See this.

Question: The mind is so noisy.

Hanuman: That’s like saying the sky is so cloudy. [Laughter] What about that?

Question: Sometimes it’s not.

Hanuman: Yes. [Laughter] The sky is not complaining with the appearance and disappearance of the clouds, you see. The sky is not complaining; the sky recognizes itself to be so very vast that there is infinite spaciousness for all the clouds and stars and galaxies in the universe.

It is really the same way with thoughts. There is infinite spaciousness for all the thoughts in the world. And all the thoughts in the world turn out to not take up any space at all. It is just another thought that says: ‘I would like it this way, I don’t want it that way.’ Those are just more thoughts. Awareness has no complaint whatsoever. Awareness doesn’t make any effort either. And if effort is made, Awareness does not care.

So, know your Self to be this sky-like Awareness. See this for your own Self.